The Video Queen's NEWS > Feng Shui for Video?

Some friends are offering a free phone conference to talk about how Feng Shui can improve the energy in your environment (read: your video productivity.) It sounds silly, but it’s not. I rearranged my office last month and I'm so busy I hardly have time to write to you anymore. Yep, Feng Shui did it.

My friends aren't going to talk to you about video though. They're going to talk to you about improving your life -- by improving your environment at home, at work, but it can also work on your video productivity, creativity and motivational energy!

I know it sounds bizarre, but go check it out and let me know what you think.

That's a wrap! Say it with video!
Nerissa Oden

©2006 Nerissa Oden
Article free to share, distribute and print only in its entirety (text, image, video, byline, and copyright.)

Copyright © 2003-2013 Nerissa Oden. All rights reserved.