Tons of people have discovered that they can make videos and put them online. Marketers, entrepreneurs, videomakers and even children, all dabble with video these days. So which of the mentioned categories do you think has the best overall video health? And what is "video health"?

First, I'll explain what video health ISN'T--
--the cost of your equipment, nor it's multiple features
--the high quality of your video's picture (resolution/frame/format)
--the amount you spent getting the video made
--keeping your video safe from downloaders

So what IS video health? The secret to your video health is making sure your videos are as accessible to your audience as possible. The more accessible your videos are, the more video health you have.

What do I say this? I say this because videos are nothing but information. The medium of the message is a technology called, video. If viewers cannot get your message easily and effortlessly, they will run away from your video, and thus your message is missed by countless potential fans, buyers, etc.

Video Health IS--
--visitors arrive on your webpage without videos choking their connection
--visitors have an option to watch your video, OR NOT
--visitors should click "play" and the video starts within seconds
--visitors should be able to try before they buy because you're an honest seller

Indulge me with a side note about sharing low quality videos now. Sharing video products as low quality videos is basically the try before they buy marketing offer. Here's an example-- A soon to be famous filmmaker has recently decided to give away DVDs of her film instead of just sharing it through YouTube or Video.Google. She told me flatly that the quality of YouTube videos are lower than her "Hollywood" standards. In other words, she'd rather spend money giving away high quality DVDs of her film than spend $0 to give away low quality versions of her film.

Her decision is tragic, in my opinion. Yet a very common decision among Hollywood veterans. Already this decision has cost her $$$ out of pocket, her time, free press, free publicity, and sales of her film on DVD to hundreds of thousands of potential buyers who would BUY the high quality version after viewing the low quality version. Right now the film is being seen and purchased through local screenings and word of mouth. How much more money would she make if she released her film for private-at-home-screenings which were spread through Instant Messaging, email, blog posts, web posts and internet searches? DUH!! No brainer!

To top it off, famous internet marketer, Joe Vitale, has already demonstrated over and over that sharing the electronic low quality version of a product increases sales of the hard copy. Others have followed his lead with great success, including high quality corporate America this year. So WHEN will THE SECRET be freed?!

That's a wrap! Say it with video!
Nerissa Oden

©2006 Nerissa Oden
Article free to share, distribute and print only in its entirety (text, image, video, byline, and copyright.)

Copyright © 2003-2013 Nerissa Oden. All rights reserved.